I have a question. Since we are on a complete vegan diet, is it all right to take Vitamin B12? If so, how much? Am hoping not to have to go in for a MMA test to find out. At the health food store I was told one year ago that if we were on the raw diet that we would eventually run into problems. I am on the cancer diet with my husband and am experiencing burning feet, eye problems, tinnitus, rapid heartbeat. I have started taking vitamin B12, but am concerned about Dan. We do not want to give him anything that will conflict with the Budwig Protocol.
What about Iodine too? He is always cold and has had issues with thyroid problems in the past. We have been reading that the lack of iodine can lead to cancer. Does anyone know anything about this? I am thinking he needs to be tested to know how much iodine he needs, but not everyone believes that is necessary.
At the 3E Centre we were taking B6 and B2 every day. The dosage was 10 milligrams of each. This was worked out according to body weight. Every cell in the body needs B12 for cell division and for blood formation Only meat has�abundant amount of B12 . Plants do not have B12 unless contaminated by micro organism .Very small amount is found in plants grown in manure . Too get enough B12 from those vegetables you would need 23 cups a day. The only reliable source of B12 in food form is in nutritional yeast with T6636+ . Otherwise you will need to take a supplement. B12 was part of the reason Gerson used calf liver juice at one time.
As for iodine a regular ingredient to all our food is powder kelp. An 1/8 tsp will give the RDA amount of iodine in your diet .But using kelp as part of your food you won't have to worry about getting to much and you will get other trace mineral that you would not get in iodine supplements.
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