Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Different opinions/life styles/temperaments

I have followed everyone's opinions on the matter of 'tirades' with much interest, having "lived" on internet groups since the late 90s - and there were many disagreements. I think I have learned a thing or two.

The written word makes arguments seem a lot more harsh, since visual input that can deflect the seriousness of the argument, is missing. Maybe some folks here are not so used to this form of communication - and it worries them, so give them the benefit of the doubt and move on :-).

Caps ... I saw that too, and wondered if the person writing has a problem SEEING regular size type. Could well be, so give him the benefit of the doubt and move on...

Those that are going on 'tirades' - their passion is based on experience and insight. But, please -- people you are talking to will not be convinced by your logic or your emotion. You cannot make them see or understand as completely as you do. If people are here in this group they have already come a few steps away from mainstream views - a step in the right direction. But, most people won't take on the whole system, they fight on their own terms with as much or as little as they can handle. So, patience please - be kind and persuasive, but also understanding of where other people are and why....

Those of you who cannot bear to read the conclusions of those who 'rant' ... please show compassion for the experience these peoples have gone through, and for their pain -- and be glad you're not in their shoes (yet?). If it rocks your boat too much, stop reading and move on, but keep their struggle in mind and be supportive in thought - it will make you feel much better than getting disturbed.

Very well said and something I will keep in mind. I too just do not respond to people who are too forceful in giving their opinions so telling me in a calmer way is the only way to get my attention.

Has anyone ever directly said anything to you about your choice of using conventional treatment. I would find that disturbing too. I'm one that has been terribly abused by�conventional medicine. I could tell you horrific stories. I almost don't believe them myself. I find being able to share my story with other like minded/experienced people, healing in a way. I thought about seeking psychiatric help but I don't trust them either..LOL�

I would never criticize anyone for doing what they feel secure with... that trust and sense of well being could very well be the thing that pulls you through. The mind is a powerful organ.


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